PINS – Rule Twelve: Localities – Tyneside

Look at the dank and ashen, perma-littered pavements of Fenham running along the Moor and wonder, what is there here for you? Le Grove du Sydney is not for you, that’s for sure. This is the problem with localities, some are good some are bad, but you need to know your local, to make your local decision in PINS. PINS demands it. Here are some hints on localities from Tyneside, and below some photocopies to help you decipher what you need. Howay!

PINS – Rule Eleven: Localities – Lancashire

We decided, in the latest post, to suggest some localities. And we decided to start in the County Palatine of Lancashire; a place which, as the journalist Charles Nevin outrageously suggests in the title of his book on the ceremonial county, a place where Women Die of Love.

Heere are some local localities, a local which may of may not still exist in this way. Soak up their atmosphere, captured deeply and darkly on a December day  and ask yourself, is this the locality for me? And where is Peter on the Piano?



PINS – Rule Ten: A Local Decision

Local decisions are important in the game of PINS. That’s where most decisions are made, locally. You can learn more here. For now, here are some photocopies to help you make your very own local decision.

PINS – Rule Nine: Move 2 – That Which Cannot Be Altered

Things cannot be fully explained because it’s Move 2, which as the rules shown in Rule Eight state, “cannot be altered, except by Pin and Local Decision.”

In order not to alter anything we advise you to read Rule Nine. And peruse the following photocopies in case you need further inspiration.

PINS – Rule Eight: Moving – But Where?

Order needs an architect! Last time we were worried about orders .  But a newly discovered photocopy in the archive tells us that we have moved. So: we do know we have moved. But what have we moved? And how, or where? 

Here are some photocopies to help you know where you have moved. Good luck. And remember: Cliff Richard never got as far as Wakefield.


PINS – Rule Seven: Write Out More Orders

In rule seven we are told that we have three more orders to write out, that are placed on a table and then turned over. They then become moves.  Even though rule six says we have two full moves, with no objectives.  It’s all very complicated. Never mind. Here are some photocopies to help us on our way in writing out these orders.

Maybe we need something more outré.

PINS – Rule Six: No Clues to Objectives

In rule six of PINS we admit to having no clue to the objectives. The original photocopy – where we found the rules – underlines this point so it must be important, but we are not really sure why.

PINS – Rule Five: What is a Unit?

A unit can be many things, as we say in our explanation to what a unit actually is. And to be honest, we don’t really know either. Here are some images you can photocopy and use to make up units of your own, or maybe inspire you to find similar things.


According to the photocopy that shows the rules, we have to write out orders for each move for each unit – “without a clue to the objective.”

In writing orders and ignoring objectives, we must remember the second Golden Rule of the Buddha, or consult Old Moore’s Almanac, or at least, Shurmer’s Official Guide of Hyndburn. None of these can be found in the Yellow Pages.


Do you remember the Beginning? No? Never mind. The second rule-post says we need to find someone, to tell the C.O.s to do something. Remember what or who the C.O.s are? No? Never mind.  We should find someone.

I know this is difficult. There are so many people to choose from.

Maybe find someone who knows about









