PINS – Rule Forty: How To Hide #2

Hiding properly is an art and can be driven by many situations. Make sure you hide in the way that’s most effectiveand shows most gumption. Find out more, here. You can’t be cloth-eared, or a numb nuts when you’re hiding.  Savvy?

PINS – Rule Thirty-nine: How To Hide

In PINS, it’s important to know how to hide.  Now, hiding means you have to first “pinpoint target positions or places vulnerable to the Enemy.” Only then can you hide successfully. That’s all explained in detail here. Don’t forget to make a gridded table while you’re at it. For now have a look at, and maybe photocopy these images to help you along the way.


PINS – Rule Thirty-eight: Yet More Manoeuvres

‘Where are we going?’ We don’t know because we are on manoeuvres. And will be all summer, for as long as it rains, any road. Find out more, here. Below are some images that will help you get about, wherever you are.

PINS – Rule Thirty-seven: On Manoeuvres

When we are on manoeuvres we need to know how to look out of the back of the Morris Oxford’s window, or ensure we wear the correct cricket whites. You can find out about that here. For now, peruse these images that were once taken by persons unknown, or once known but no longer, on manoeuvres.