PINS – Rule Forty-four: Disobeying orders

Disobeying orders is no joke.

If you don’t do as you’re told, you’ll go to the workhouse. Or be at the beck and call of someone else for the rest of your life, bowing and scraping, ugh.
But you can disobey if you’re smart, find out how, here.

PINS – Rule Forty-one: Judging character

A good character isimportant in PINS, it helps you get into an elite unit and have extra PINS, which is the whole point, isn’t it. Plus, it stops gossip, whcih you can find plenty of here.

PINS – Rule Thirty-seven: On Manoeuvres

When we are on manoeuvres we need to know how to look out of the back of the Morris Oxford’s window, or ensure we wear the correct cricket whites. You can find out about that here. For now, peruse these images that were once taken by persons unknown, or once known but no longer, on manoeuvres.


PINS – Rule Thirty-four: Danger Zone, Steady Up!

Oh heck, things are getting tricky, the Danger Zone can be an uncertain place full of experienced people who don’t give a damn and maybe you’re not the sort of character who should be there. But this is PINS and PINs is a life we’ve all been through.  More Danger Zones are described here. For now, draw your qwayout of trouble, it’s the only way. Don’t be soft!


PINS – Rule Thirty-one: More food.

There are lots of places to go and things to do with a full stomach, so the most important thing is having no interference in the kitchen. That’s where the food is.


For their own comfort and safety, children under 5 and babes-in-arms are not admitted.

These photocopies accompany a post that is not a rule as such, it’s more an adjunct to Rule Twenty-nine and a reminder. You need to put some meat on your bones. And you need to make sure everyone is out of the kitchen. Don’t be soft and don’t be numb.

PINS – Rule Twenty-seven: Mascots for Morale

Just like in Real Life (what’s that?), morale plays an important part in the game of PINS. Mascots help morale. It could be Tokor the cat. Or Edwyn Collins.

Here are some photocopies of mascots that can help your morale.

PINS – Rule Thirteen: Localities – Imaginary Worlds

Some photocopies to accompany a post that explains more about a rule where we have to make a local decision. We still don’t know what a local decision is, yet. Will we ever?

You can drive through imaginary, or lost worlds in real time, or write them down and forget about them. As long as they don’t get faxed somewhere.


Do you remember the Beginning? No? Never mind. The second rule-post says we need to find someone, to tell the C.O.s to do something. Remember what or who the C.O.s are? No? Never mind.  We should find someone.

I know this is difficult. There are so many people to choose from.

Maybe find someone who knows about













A Twitch on the Thread

What does time teach us? Placing remembrances of time over the detritus of other times doesn’t bring much it seems, except more confusion. Who knows? Beware those with answers.


Doggerland Blues #4

What does the original matter when you’ve got a copy that cost more? It’s much more fun to be in Doggerland, Doggerland under Sea, where nothing ever matters, to you or to me.