PINS – Rule Forty-three: Arcs of fire

We need to work out our arcs of fire. The enemy need to be accurately hit, of course. Otherwise they’ll hit you, soft lad.  Peruse these images of confusion and also check out this post, and try to avoid similar quandaries when calculating your arc of fire.

PINS – Rule Thirty-eight: Yet More Manoeuvres

‘Where are we going?’ We don’t know because we are on manoeuvres. And will be all summer, for as long as it rains, any road. Find out more, here. Below are some images that will help you get about, wherever you are.

PINS – Rule Thirty-four: Danger Zone, Steady Up!

Oh heck, things are getting tricky, the Danger Zone can be an uncertain place full of experienced people who don’t give a damn and maybe you’re not the sort of character who should be there. But this is PINS and PINs is a life we’ve all been through.  More Danger Zones are described here. For now, draw your qwayout of trouble, it’s the only way. Don’t be soft!


PINS – Rule Thirty: Marching on an empty stomach

The Museum doesn’t like to unduly quote Napoleon, for as we all know, Boney was a warrior, Boney was a thief. But he was right when he said, an army marches on its stomach.  Here are some images to make you think about marching on your stomach.  Click here to find out how you can march on a full one.

PINS – Rule Twenty-nine: Where are our Enemies?

In PINS, and in life,  we have to know where our enemies are.  Luckily we have some rules to show where they are. You can read about them here. For now here are some images to help you work out where your enemies are.

PINS – Rule Twenty-five: Units

Units can be anything.  They don’t even need to be real, it’s all explained here. But they have to take orders.

PINS – Rule Twenty-four:  The Electoral College

It’s time to describe the people who run things. We think these people are members of something called the Electoral College.

The Electoral College is written on the back of a TERRIER ADJUSTMENT SHEET.  This must mean it’s important, especially it’s got typed-out instructions on the front and the College names are written out in copperplate using a dip pen and ink, on the back. Here are some photocopies to help PUT A FACE TO A NAME for your own Electoral College.


PINS – Rule Twenty-three: The Light Outside

It’s important to know where you can get good light and also where you can sing light comic opera without being laughed at. Both are essential ingredients to PINS. You can find out more here, or peruse the photocopies for clues below.

PINS – Rule Nineteen: Maps – More Special Features – Imagined Worlds

One of the points of PINS is escape. Escape from your job, ambition, dedication and mucking in. This post allows you to contemnplate the idea of escape, through judicious use of the photocopies found here, and work it into your own idea of PINS. More information, here.

PINS – Rule Sixteen: Making Maps

We think that PINS originated partly through a love of making maps. This means to play PINS you will need to make maps, in as peculiar a manner as you can. We tell you how to do so, here. Meanwhile, maybe these photocopies can bring some inspiration.