There are lots of places to go and things to do with a full stomach, so the most important thing is having no interference in the kitchen. That’s where the food is.
For their own comfort and safety, children under 5 and babes-in-arms are not admitted.
These photocopies accompany a post that is not a rule as such, it’s more an adjunct to Rule Twenty-nine and a reminder. You need to put some meat on your bones. And you need to make sure everyone is out of the kitchen. Don’t be soft and don’t be numb.
A photograph of a photograph of an image in an old book celebrating photographs. Here are some women shifting coal in 1916. They need meat on their bones if they want to carry out PINS Rule 29, and they are put of the kitchen.
A photograph of an illustration of a dinosaur in an old, old book celebrating The World in the Past. The curator has no doubt the dinosaur would get meat on its bones and could carry out PINS Rule 29 with ease.
A photograph of a photograph of an image in an old book celebrating British Wildlife. These are dippers, which spend a lot of time at the water’s edge putting meat on their bones, (if they should ever need to carry out PINS Rule 29).