PINS – Rule Fifty-two: Resurrection

It’s a pain that you have to resurrect a game of PINS after the pieces have been  put away, especially if you are  using Clash  of Empires pieces with their attractive cardboard counters showing Hapsburg and Prussian units. But that’s life and you are used to its irritations. You may have passed out in a creche at an afternoon jazz club – after drinking with an old Polish fellow -but you’ll get up and carry on, like you did here!

PINS – Rule Fifty-one: Casualties and The Dead

No-one says it’s not nice talking about the dead , because that’s all your older relatives seem to do! It’s that or the Great War. This is what to do if you want to keep those thoughts at bay, during an invigorating game of PINS.

PINS – Rule Fifty: Despair

Despair is all around, as we know, even in PINS, though maybe the maker of the game tried not to think too much about that, as there had been plenty of *that* over the years. You can peruse the images below, or read about despair, here.