PINS – Rule Forty-nine: Don’t be Daft

This rule tells you what to do when you’re exasperated by your partner leading the wrong Do down the club, a double nine! they’re daft.


PINS – Rule Forty-eight: Panic

You’ve missed the bus and you are stuck in Rossendale until daybreak, a good reason to panic. Not to worry, PINS details some instances of panic here, and gives you a number of solutions for such scenarios.

PINS – Rule Forty-seven: On Leave / RnR

PINS needs its units to get some RnR before they can carry on. Being on leave can be very surprising, mind and can get you into all sorts of scrapes. You can read about all that kind of kerfuffle here.

PINS – Rule Forty-six: Bunkum

Sometimes people can be plain ignorant and not understand how important it is to compile the rules for PINS. They take a lot of  imagination and aren’t the sort of thing everyday folk concern themselves with. That’s why what they say is often bunkum, and you can find out about that here.