PINS – Rule Forty-five: Confusion

Things can be confusing in life, let alone PINS, in which we haven’t even finished the rules yet. Nor will you, with the washing up to do and the compost to put out. It’s all go round here! You can find out about what kinds of confusion can happen if you leave PINS to one side, here.

PINS – Rule Forty-four: Disobeying orders

Disobeying orders is no joke.

If you don’t do as you’re told, you’ll go to the workhouse. Or be at the beck and call of someone else for the rest of your life, bowing and scraping, ugh.
But you can disobey if you’re smart, find out how, here.

PINS – Rule Forty-three: Arcs of fire

We need to work out our arcs of fire. The enemy need to be accurately hit, of course. Otherwise they’ll hit you, soft lad.  Peruse these images of confusion and also check out this post, and try to avoid similar quandaries when calculating your arc of fire.

PINS – Rule Forty-two: A quick word on rations

Tha’s got to eat and put some meat on them bones, as you won’t get anything if you went to the workhouse. Fish heads, in a broth, that all your grandmother had. That’s why she’s mean with the biscuits at Christmas. Rations are important, you should get that. Here are some images that can be photocopied, to help you think of your rations to play PINS,  or the lack thereof.

PINS – Rule Forty-one: Judging character

A good character isimportant in PINS, it helps you get into an elite unit and have extra PINS, which is the whole point, isn’t it. Plus, it stops gossip, whcih you can find plenty of here.