We start the game by wondering what it is.
A number of items are presented here as a taster for the long indolent road ahead of us.
We should divine the first moves by PREPARING THE GROUND and MAKING THE RULES. That’s what people always tell us to do. In this Modern World.
Though this will inevitably take time.
A photocopy of Old Accrington. Note how little there was in the centre. Surely proof of an ever changing, Magicke property.
Maps. These will determine the boundaries of PINS
We use this 1970s photocopy from a long-lost wargaming rule book to determine a campaign. More later, whenever.
Secret notes, hidden by a new title.
The works, where PINS is being plotted.
Rules folder. These will be reinterpreted over time.
The boundaries of a map which we will explore.
A detail of a map. This is the North of England